FCW Final Survivor Photos (2-19-06)
Here some pictures taken by The Godfather at FCW Final Final Survivor !!!
Pictures taken are from the following matches:
- Dimondback vs. Shawn Ravage (Single Match)
- L.S.D. vs. Randy Sadist vs. Nitrois (FCW Hardcore Championship)
- Scarface vs. Metalface (Brother vs. Brother Match)

Dimondback gives Shawn Ravage a suplex right in the middle of the ring !!!

Shawn Ravage takes a jumping back kick to the face from Dimondback !!!

Dimondback gives Ravage a moonsult from the apron of the ring to the inside of the ring !!!

Randy Sadist slams Nitrois down to the mat with a Snap suplex !!!

L.S.D. drives Randy Sadist head right into a chair !!!

Metalface does a leg drop right on the neck of Scarface !!!

Metalface ran across the ring to hit Scarface in the head with a street sign !!!

Dimondback gets caught by Ravage after trying to cross body Ravage from the top turnbuckle !!!

Shawn Ravage gives Dimondback a suplex of his own in the middle of the ring !!!

Nitrois takes a blow to the chest from Randy Sadist with a cruch !!!

Randy Sadist took another chair shot, but this time it was to the back !!!

Scarface takes a back drop from Metalface to the mat !!!

Scarface was about to body splash Metalface for the top turnbuckle, but then Metalface got up and jumped up in the air and kicked Scarface right in the head knocking him off the turnbuckle !!!

Scarface gets finished off by his older brother with a deadly chokeslam. The only thing was the fans went nuts when Scarface kicked out of it to a very close three count !!!