FCW Final Survivor Photos 2 (2-19-06)
Here are some more pictures done by The Godfather at Final Survivor !!!
Pictures from the following matches:
The Perfect Man: Double G vs. The Hitman: Havoc (FCW Cruiserweight Championship)
Interview Fight - John Slade and The Masked Murderer

The Hitman: Havoc was firing up by giving Double G repeated Closelines. This was taken alittle late !!!

The Perfect Man: Double G gets body slamed down to the mat by Havoc !!!

Havoc tired to block this move from the top rope, but he didnt tire hard enough and Double G took him and gave him one hell of a suplex !!!

The Perfect Man: Double G hits Havoc with his tardmark move the Perfect Sissors !!!

Double G takes Havoc outside the ring and suplexs him right on the floor !!!

During the interview with the newest FCW Superstar the Masked Murderer decided to come out and pick a fight with the new comer John Slade. In the end Slade took the Masked Murderer after he followed up from this hold to a wheel barrel to a stunner !!!

Then John Slade took The Masked Murderer and threw him out of the ring !!!